Using TriMet from Willamette View
TriMet tickets for Honored Citizens, Adults and Youth are available at manor reception. The cost is $1.40 for 2.5 hours with a maximum of $ 2.80 per day for seniors. You can also use cash with exact change at the bus or train station machines.
Handy web sites to help plan a TriMet trip:
TriMet: Plan Your Trip on TriMet
Maps and Schedules for TriMet Buses, MAX and WES
For TriMet HELP call 503-238-7433
For TriMet Lift, call 503-962-8000, Option #2.
TriMet Lift Program offers door to door low cost service for those with various disabilities.
Alternate Transport:
Company | Contact | Info |
Uber | https://www.uber.com | Requires Smartphone |
Lyft | https://www.lyft.com | Requires Smartphone |
Broadway Taxi | 503-333-3333 | Has 24/7 non-emergency medical transportation |
Radio Cab | 503-227-1212 | Options for assistive devices |
GoGoGrandparent | 1 (855) 464-6872 | Connects seniors with Lyft or Uber without use of Smartphone |