SERV (Safety & Emergency Response Volunteers)

Who we are:

Members of SERV share safety information with residents prior to an emergency and assist Willamette View's Campus Safety & Security team during an emergency.

How we are organized:

Safety Liaisons share a monthly safety message with residents on their floor.

Greeters introduce new residents to SERV's safety program.

Responders assist Willamette View's Campus Safety & Security team and our staff during an emergency.

Resource Managers handle our data and supplies.

SERV Administrative Council
Our Administrative Council meets quarterly to review past activities and advise on future policies, procedures, and events.

Want to join us?

We offer many volunteer opportunities - from sedentary to more physically demanding. Volunteer at the level at which you are most comfortable. Complete our volunteer form  and return it to BOX T at the Manor in-house mailboxes.


Have questions, suggestions or concerns?  Drop us a note in Box T or send an email to

Council Liaison:  Services Councilor
Contact: Please log in to view contact info.