Art in Public Areas (APA) Committee

The Art in Public Areas Committee is responsible for purchasing and hanging the art in most residential halls on the Willamette View campus. The members of the committee are interested in art and enjoy selecting pieces to be hung in the hallways. We each have our own taste in art, but in choosing art to hang in public areas, we try to find works with variety and style that will appeal to a large number of people in the community. We choose art that is often pleasing, but also interesting, and stimulating. We know that artistic taste is personal, yet we try to make the halls interesting places that we enjoy being in. We hope the art will inspire lively conversation.

Bonnie Keller, Julie Donaldson, and Jody Everts  Evelyn Hicks and Julie Donaldson    Roger Tracy

As a Standing Committee of the Resident Council, APA members meet certain requirements:

  • They must have lived in WV for one year prior to joining the committee
  • New members are recommended to the Council by the Personnel Committee
  • They are voted on annually by the Council

The APA Committee has 5 to 7 members who meet once a month and at other times as is needed to complete their tasks. They go on buying trips to see art by local artists. They store and maintain the art collection. They talk with residents about art near their apartments. They repair frames and cut mats. They hang art in hallways. They plan and hang shows of resident art.

If you are interested in being on the APA committee, contact any APA member or the Council Chair for more information. We also welcome volunteers who are not members of the committee but enjoy helping out with hanging and repairing art. Their services are much appreciated.

For more details about the work of APA, please read the Frequently Asked Questions, the Annual Report for 2024 and look at some of our recent purchases shown on this website.

Council Liaison:  Council Chair
Contact: Please log in to view contact info.

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