Information Resources About Climate Change

The following list comes with a caveat (or two):

1.Information about climate change is a never ending stream, and by the time you read to the end of this list, never mind reading or seeing everything on this list, there will be more out there to peruse that’s not on this list!

2.The following list is meant as an introduction or encouragement. An assist, if you will. See what’s out there and pursue whichever thread feels compelling.

3.As you might guess, this is NOT an exhaustive list! (see caveat #1) As a matter of fact, if you have further suggestions, contact our Green Team for inclusion of your resource. We humbly acknowledge we don’t know everything there is to know.


Saving Us by Katherine Hayhoe: Want to do something about climate change, but don’t know what? Hayhoe suggests that the best thing we can do is talk about it, indicating the links between climate change and pretty much everything we do.  Don’t know where or how to start a conversation? Hayhoe’s ideas can help. It doesn’t hurt that Hayhoe, a climate scientist, is also an evangelical Christian living in Texas, and therefore has had her share of conversations with, um, climate skeptics. She’s learned a few things that she shares with the rest of us.

How to Avoid a Climate Disaster by Bill Gates: It’s all hands on deck that we need, and innovative thinking besides. Not only that, but we need to be about the business of making and keeping governments, corporations, and even ourselves accountable for effective policies aimed at zero carbon emissions.

Drawdown edited by Paul Hawken: If you’ve checked out Green Team’s list of “What can I do about climate change?” you have scratched the surface of what can be done. Hawken has edited perhaps the most comprehensive collection of actions that individuals, corporations, and governments can take to mitigate the causes of climate change. This is a surprisingly hopeful as well sober minded assessment of where we are now and where we need to be, and how we can get to where we need to be.

Other relevant books can be found on our Willamette View library’s bookshelves!


as of 2-9-2023

Organizations and Advocacy

The Nature Conservancy ( This organization started out by buying land to protect native plants and animals, but has since branched out into climate awareness and frequently suggests advocacy actions.

Drawdown ( See Drawdown book, above. It’s the same organization that put out the book and works diligently to educate and advocate on behalf of our climate and a healthy planet.

Metro Climate Action Team and Oregon League of Conservation Voters ( Want something a little more local? Metro Climate Action Team operates within the Oregon League of Conservation Voters and advocates within Oregon’s legislature for positive climate action laws and guidelines. They keep an email list for action alerts which keep you up to date regarding climate action.

The Earthshot Prize ( This was recently featured on PBS. Started by Prince William and David Attenborough, the organization – which, yes, gives prizes for innovative climate action initiatives – seeks to educate, advocate, and address climate change in a hopeful, can-do attitude. Come to think of it, check out for other climate related stories which will inspire, educate, and assist with advocacy and action.

The Audubon Society ( Did you know birds and insects are in trouble? And can you guess why? Audubon will help you know why you are correct about the plight of birds and insects, and give you ideas for how to help. Plus, they have great photos of birds and offer field guides.

Friends of Name Your Favorite Park: Just about every park around has a “friends” organization and you can join the interest and volunteer list. Volunteers do everything from advocate for funding, pull out invasive plants, perform docent work, and more. And volunteers also contribute money. Remember, every little bit of native habitat helps and you can too.

Our Willamette View Green Team (9:30-11am meeting, second Wednesday of the month) : Yep, this is a plug for our on-campus environmental awareness group! GT started out as a group of dedicated recyclers but has since expanded into conservation and climate change awareness. Meetings focus on actions we can take as individuals as well as encouraging Willamette View Inc to continue along the path towards environmental sustainability. We shamelessly take credit for assisting WVI in its achievement of the Clackamas County Gold Sustainability Award, and created the Green Fund within the Blue Heron Foundation which has funded resident/staff proposed initiatives for enhanced sustainability projects around campus.

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