Ham Radio Club

The purpose of the Club is to promote the use of ham radio for pleasure and community service. The Club encourages and supports residents and staff in obtaining their ham radio license, uses the WV radio to connect with people all over the world, and has members on the Resident Emergency Response Team (RERT).

The Willamette View Amateur Club, (W7WV and KE7OIM) is open to all at Willamette View, WV residents, staff and others in the community who have a license from the Federal Communications Commission to transmit on radio frequencies designed for amateur use. Members of the club are always ready to assist potential members pass the exam to receive their initial license.

The ham room in 601A in the Manor which is provided by WV without cost to the club, is outfitted with several transceiver radios and other equipment. The purpose of the club is to promote the use of ham radio for pleasure and community service. Prior to Covid, the group met in the White Oak Grill each Saturday morning for breakfast, fellowship and the improvement of ham knowledge and practice. During the time of Covid restrictions, informal radio conversations known as “rag chews,” were held each Saturday morning. Beginning in the fall of 2023 the group began having “bring your own breakfast” meetings in the Elk Rock Bistro on Saturday mornings. When the White Oak Grill is open once again for breakfast, the group will return to Saturday morning breakfasts there.

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