Voter Information Committee
The Voter Information Committee provides residents with non-partisan information regarding all candidates and issues on each Oregon election ballot in Voter Information Forums and with other information prior to all elections.
The Committee also hosts Town Hall type reports by currently elected office holders. The Committee also may sponsor and hold other informational events and meetings such as a "Day at the Capitol" when the State Legislature is in regular session, and informational meetings for non-
partisan candidates and groups, such as the League of Women Voters, School, Fire and other special districts. The Committee sponsors, plans, and publicizes these meetings; and invites the candidates and other presenters to participate.
Efforts are made to recruit a representative cross section of Democratic, Republican, Independent, and Non-affiliated residents for membership on the Committee.
The Committee meets on an as needed basis for planning and implementing various activities. The current Committee Chairperson is listed on the Activities and Committees list on the Resident Website under Program Areas.
The Voter Information Committee is listed under the Education Program Area. Voter Information Committee tasks include:
1. Reminding residents to register to vote and/or change their addresses if they have moved.
2.Inviting candidates and elected officials to Voter Information and Town Hall meetings. (The PCPs have the contacts and do this task.)
3, Publicizing the event on bulletin boards, in Willamette Views, Friday Notices and on the Resident Website and in elevators.
4. Staffing the Voter Information or Town Hall event.
5. Arranging for and monitoring Voter Information tables with candidate and ballot measure literature during the two weeks prior to an election.
6. Taking ballots from the Voter Information Committee's unofficial "ballot boxes" at the Manor and Terrace reception desks to official ballot drop boxes daily the week prior to the election.