What is Wall Works?
- Wall Works is a place where current residents can share their art with the larger community.
- We are an arm of Art in Public Areas
- Each show is built around a theme and changes every two months.
- It is in the sky bridge between the Court and Terrace
How it works
- Contact either Bonnie Keller or Evelyn Hicks at if you have art to show. If you are logged in, you can link to their contact information below.
- Find out what the next show theme is and if art you currently have fits the theme or create something new to fit the theme.
- New shows are hung on the first of the month and hang for two months.
- Your art should be ready to hang when brought to Wall Works on the day of the show. The best way to hang is by a secure wire on the back of a frame.
- Three-dimensional art is also accepted and can be displayed in the alcove area in the center section of Wall Works.
- Bring a description of your art with your name, the title of the piece, the medium used and anything that may be interesting to share about it. Bring a photo of yourself, or we will provide one from the WV directory.
- An announcement of the next show is posted in Wall Works and will be in the Friday Notices two weeks prior and one week prior to the next show.
- You will need to take down your art from the last show two days before the new show is hung.