Hours open: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, 11-1
Location: Manor, Lower Level
Phone: ext. 6236
What we sell: gently used men's and women's clothing, accessories, housewares, jewelry, decorative objects, greeting cards.
What's happening this month? We celebrate the holidays and have converted the store into a Winter Wonderland. Come in and enjoy it all. As always, we thank all residents, staff, and WV friends who give us their gently-used items.
Want to donate? Come into the store and sign up to arrange for someone to come to your unit. A volunteer will call (usually within 24 hours) to arrange a convenient time to pick up your donations. Or, on the last Saturday of the month, from 11am to 1pm, bring your items to the Carousel Cage (next to the Mart). Thank you!
Want to volunteer? We offer many volunteer opportunities: clerks, window designers, donation refurbishers, publicity, department heads, management and more. Come talk to a manager and explore the possibilities.