Beginning Pinochle

Our purpose is to provide an opportunity for anyone who is interested in learning how to play the game of Pinochle to have a place to learn. Friendly instruction is provided. More experienced players are welcome a well. Experienced players may play with other experienced players, or they may assist in helping beginners learn the game. Our idea is to end up with a group of players who will be meeting to play Pinochle on regular basis.

Thursday evening was chosen because it is a time when Bridge is not being played. This is important because bridge players are attracted to the game of Pinochle, and we want to eliminate time conflicts. Several years ago, Willamette View had a large Pinochle group, and we are trying to get that concept revitalized.

Any resident who wants to participate should simply show up on Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m. at the Heron Lounge.

Weekly on Thursday, 6:15 pm - 7:45 pm
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Council Liaison:  Recreation Councilor
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