Volunteer Opportunities

There are so many ways volunteer at Willamette View. Help plan an event, join a committee, get involved in an activity, or work in one of the stores.
Moving In

Welcome new residents! We have quick links and information you will find useful the first couple of weeks here at Willamette View.

What can I recycle? Where do I put my recycling? What can't be recycled? Can we compost food at Willamette View?
Getting Around

Choose campus transportation, assisted transportation, off-campus transportation, or other options.
Explore Our Campus

Get to know the campus. Find out about birds and the campus tree walk. View the campus map, mailing addresses, and Location Directory.

Do you need a resident computer mentor, want to find the resident website class schedule or more information about the resident-run online bulletin board?

Search available services in the Campus Services Directory, and learn about what services are available through Manor Reception, Maintenance Services, Safety & Security, and the Blue Heron Foundation.