Resident Stores Committee

The Resident Stores Committee coordinates activities of mutual interest across all Willamette View stores and coordinates with the Blue Heron Foundation on the stores’ financial transactions. The Committee consists of the store managers, and a liaison from both the Blue Heron Foundation and from WV Administration. The Resident Council Vice Chair serves as liaison to this Committee. All proceeds from the stores go to the Good Neighbour Fund of the Blue Heron Foundation at Willamette View.

The Pantry

A practical place to shop for the things that you forgot. The Pantry is open for in-store shopping Monday through Saturday, from 11:00am to 1:00pm. Payment for items purchased can be made in cash or charged to a resident account, or by payroll deduction for employees. More information.

The Mart

The Mart offers an ever-changing collection of fine and utilitarian furniture, electronics, furnishings, and art donated by residents. The Mart is open for in-person shopping on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, from 11:00am to 1:00pm. Payment for items purchased can be made in cash or charged to a resident account, or by payroll deduction for employees. More information.

The Carousel

The Carousel offers quality used clothing, jewelry, and household items. The Carousel is open for in-store shopping Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, from 11:00am to 1:00pm. Payment for items purchased can be made in cash or charged to a resident account, or by payroll deduction for employees. More information.

Council Liaison:  Council Vice Chair
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