Publicize an Event

An event is a one-time performance, presentation or program hosted by a resident activity and is open to all residents.  Event sponsors are responsible for all publicity for their events, including distributing links if the event is streamed.

All publicity should include the day, date, time, location and description of the event as well as the names of the sponsor and contact person, and posting and removal dates.  Use the website link the the More Info column for specific submission requirements.

MediumDue DateDescriptionContactMore Info
Willamette View14th of month 
prior to event
Provides for longer description of
the event, background information, and photograph
Willamette Views editorLink
Friday NoticeWednesday before 9am; send week prior to eventBrief description of the event posted in the Activities of the WeekFridaynotice@willametteview.orgLink
Resident website
Events Calendar
One week prior to the eventEvent details displayed in the Events Calendar and activity's pageSponsor's content editor or
Resident Council content editor
Digital screens, graphic slide6 days before publication, runs 1 week prior to eventGraphic slide of the event for the digital screen slideshow. Restrictions may (may be submitted with Friday Notice)Link
Digital screens, sidebar calendarOne week prior to the eventDisplays information directrly from the resident website calendarSee Resident website events calendar contact above 
Bulletin board, day of the week6 days prior to eventYou can put a flyer on bulletin boards in each buildingBuilding bulletin board monitor or Services CouncilorLink
Elevator sleeves3 days prior to eventRestricted to events that meet criteria of elevator sleeve policyServices CouncilorLink
Website announcementOne week prior to the eventPublic notice of general interest to all residentsSubmit the announcement using the form available on websiteLink

Unsolicited promotion of events by email or in-house mail must be approved by the Resident Communication Standing Committee in advance.

updated 2-12-2025

Prepared October 2024 jointly by Events Action Group and Resident Communication Standing Committee with overview by Services Councilor

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