Stay Safe

SERV logo 

Useful information brought to you by SERV, the Safety and Emergency Resident Volunteers.

Getting Immediate Assistance

in case of emergency

If you need IMMEDIATE attention (life-threatening, significant pain, something is seriously wrong):

  • Call 911
  • Press your alert device
  • Call Security from house phone, 8-503-730-5337, or from cell phone, 503-730-5337

If situation is SERIOUS

  • Press your alert device
  • Call Security (see above)

Not sure what to do? Call someone and ask for help.

Before you need assistance

  • Complete the File of Life form to provide information for emergency responders and put it on the front door of your refrigerator.
  • Print a copy of these instructions and keep it where you can see it.

Emergency Supplies

emergency supplies

Willamette View has emergency supplies for us to use in an emergency. What we don’t know is how easy or difficult it might be to distribute supplies given the varied nature of emergencies. SERV suggests that we all keep a supply of water, non-perishable food and power sources in our homes.

For details on how much water and food SERV recommends to have on hand as well as what to do for light and power in an emergency, see Emergency Supplies

Your SERV volunteer will give you Get-Out-Of-Bed and Get-Out-Of-Town Bags. Find out how and when to use these bags. 

Toilets may not work during an emergency. Get your Potty Pack prepared and know how to use it during an emergency.

What You Need To Know

did you know question

Can you identify three things that might trip you up in your home? Do you know where the exits are in the buildings? 

SERV suggests that you stay safe by learning how to avoid tripping hazards in your home. Getting to know your building helps you to know what to do when alarms sound and how to exit if you are instructed to do so.

Use the SERV Resident Checklist to see if you are prepared to stay safe. 

SERV's Role in Keeping Us Safe

people spelling safety

SERV is a resident-run volunteer organization designed to educate residents prior to an emergency and to work with Willamette View’s Campus Safety & Security Department in the event of an emergency.

SERV volunteers are trained to inform residents about appropriate emergency preparation and behavior. All residents are expected to follow instructions in an emergency and encouraged to prepare basic emergency supplies. See the sections above on What You Need to Know and Emergency Supplies.

You can print this copy of the Resident Role in SERV.